About Our Practice

Our Mission

We provide a safe space for queer folk to process life’s stressors, build positive self-regard, and foster healthy relationships and communities — all while navigating a social, political, and educational system that has intentionally been set up to suppress and oppress them. Our counselors are in the LGBTQIA2S+ family and are highly qualified to understand and hold space for the unique struggles of living in the world as an oppressed person while navigating the everyday stressors of life. 

Online Counseling in Washington

Looking for therapy that fits your busy schedule? You’re in luck! With Telehealth at Caretta Counseling Alliance, you can receive the same effective therapy in the comfort of your home. Online and phone sessions alleviate the commute, save time, and help the environment. You have the freedom to choose a cozy, private spot for your sessions, whether it’s your favorite armchair or your backyard hammock. And your pets are always welcome on camera. Let’s start working toward your wellness goals together!

Why Turtles?

Caretta is the scientific name of the loggerhead sea turtle. These graceful creatures navigate the ocean depths with ease and beauty, emerging onto land to sun themselves on the sandy beaches. They have perfected the art of living in two worlds and finding their place in them both. Known for their steady and unwavering demeanor, turtles possess incredible persistence. Turtles symbolize patience, endurance, and wisdom. Their ability to retreat into their shells when needed is a reminder to take time for introspection and self-reflection. By embodying the qualities of turtles, we can cultivate strength, grounding, and peace in our lives. We can honor our endurance and own our resilience. Turtles remind us that we can overcome any challenge with patience and determination.

In addition, turtles have long been regarded as symbols of tranquility, healing, and emotional depth. They represent a powerful connection between our inner selves and the world around us. The gentle spirit of turtles can be comforting when life feels overwhelming. Like a wise and caring friend, they provide a safe haven for those who seek solace in silence and, at the same time, offer a voice for those who have been silenced. A symbol of hope for those who speak out against injustice or fear reprisals for sharing their beliefs, turtles offer a soothing presence in times of turmoil.

In the spirit of the turtles, Caretta Counseling Alliance is here to guide you on your journey toward the life you desire and deserve.

“Each and every one of us has the capacity to be an oppressor. I want to encourage each and every one of us to interrogate how we might be an oppressor and how we might be able to become liberators for ourselves and for each other.”

Laverne Cox, Actress, Producer, Equal Rights Advocate